Citti Academy, BCPS and University of Utah Win Learn by Design

The results are in and we are thrilled to announce the winners of the inaugural Learn by Design competition at SXSWedu. Citti Academy: Developing Collective Intelligence has won the conceptual category, BCPS Mobile Innovation Lab the experiential category and University of Utah, Lassonde Studios the physical category.
Following pitches from this year’s 15 finalists, five in each category, the announcement comes out of the competition hosted by SHP, Tuesday, March 7 at SXSWedu 2017.
Learn by Design is a new program focused on the design of physical learning spaces and how they have the potential to impact learning outcomes. The program is centered around a design competition showcasing projects in three distinct categories that all address the creation and implementation of physical learning spaces. In the context of SXSWedu, Learn by Design encourages designers and educators to work together to discover design-based solutions to challenges within education.
Citti Academy: Developing Collective Intelligence
Presenters: Mariana Lavezzo & Martyne Tolber
Los Angeles, CA
The Citti Academy supports the facilitation of multiple learning styles. Learning Pods and Advisory Clusters with a 1:20 or 2:40 teacher to student ratio will replace traditional classrooms. Seminar rooms, Small Group Rooms and All School Gathering Commons with distributed Media Resource Centers will provide flexibility now and in the future.
BCPS Mobile Innovation Lab
Presenters: Stacy Barry & Jim Corns
Baltimore, MD
The Baltimore County Public Schools’ Mobile Innovation Lab is a converted school bus that serves as an innovation hub and makerspace for the district’s 110,000+ students. Within the Lab are the tools required to provide equitable access to innovative career and technical educational experiences.
University of Utah, Lassonde Studios
Presenters: Troy D’Ambrosio and Mehrdad Yazdani
Salt Lake City, UT
The University of Utah Lassonde Studios redefines entrepreneurial education. This innovative building combines more than 400 unique students residences and 20,000 square feet of “garage” space where any student on campus can build a prototype, attend an event or start a business.
Photo of Citti Academy, BCPS Mobile Innovation Lab, and University of Utah, during the Learn by Design happy hour and winner announcement, by Randy & Jackie Smith.