By Jessica Crabbe



Watch Brené Brown on Daring Classrooms [VIDEO]

SXSW EDU 2017 Brene Brown Keynote. Photo by David W Rackley.

In her SXSW EDU 2017 keynote, Daring ClassroomsDr. Brené Brown explores how scarcity affects the way we lead and teach.

Dr. Brené Brown is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers and has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. She is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington – Brené Brown Endowed Chair.

Her 2017 SXSW EDU keynote hit home for the thousands of teachers, professors, and education thought leaders in attendance. The talk explored a focal point of her research into what courage looks like and is, and whether it is something that we can teach and develop in people and ourselves.

Daring Classrooms
We need to understand how scarcity affects the way we lead and teach, we have to engage with vulnerability and we need to learn how to recognize and combat shame. What would it mean for our schools and classrooms if we showed up for tough, honest conversations about what it takes to bring our best, most authentic selves to work? These conversations may sound risky and vulnerable, but risk and vulnerability are essential to courageous schools. A daring classroom is a place where both teachers and students commit to choosing courage over comfort, choosing what is right over what is fun, fast or easy and practicing values rather than professing them.

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By Jessica Crabbe
