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Stories of Belonging in College

Getting students to enroll in college isn’t enough.

Once there, they must learn to navigate a college campus. For disadvantaged students in four-year degree programs, especially at elite schools, the vast majority of their peers will come from upper-class backgrounds. We’ve found that students of color often face additional challenges, such as being one of the few black or brown faces in their classrooms.

So, what can be done? Join Hechinger Report Editor-In-Chief Liz Willen, who will moderate two discussions exploring equity and access issues in higher education at SXSW EDU.

On March 9th, come to “The Power of Stories of Belonging in College,” where Queens College senior Enoch Jemmott and other panelists will share solutions and present the #WeBelongInCollege campaign. The campaign encourages students in high school and college to share their own personal story about a time when they questioned whether they belonged; either during the application period or while attending college.

You can also join Willen in the featured session, “The Inequality Machine,” where she will talk to best-selling author Paul Tough about his new book, The Years that Matter Most. In the session, Tough and Willen will assess if college still works, if it’s fair, and what can be done to help more young Americans achieve success.

Be sure to follow the #WeBelongInCollege campaign on social media to stay updated and keep the conversation going, even after the conference ends, by signing up for The Hechinger Report’s free higher education newsletter, written by senior editor Delece Smith-Barrow.

Sponsored content and photo provided by Iris Schneider Provided by The Hechinger Report.

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