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Lifelong Learning and Seizing the Opportunity of Change

SXSW EDU Working Nation Blog

Learning is a lifelong endeavor.

That’s why WorkingNation, a nonprofit news organization focused on the future of work and education, reports on ways to keep skills current so students and workers can excel even if they face challenges such as those driving WorkingNation sessions at SXSW EDU – like being older, from a disadvantaged background, or an innovator outside America’s main commercial hubs.

Why focus on worker skills-building now? Because the pandemic has accelerated changes that prospective workers school age and beyond need to consider:

  • We’ve fast-tracked a trend toward remote work.
  • Technology, automation, and artificial intelligence have further altered the skills needed for work, requiring additional education or training.
  • Various factors are accelerating a trend toward “green jobs.”

But there’s good news: Change brings opportunity. Highlighting it allows individuals, schools, and employers to adapt.

WorkingNation will host four panels at SXSW EDU – on older workers, learn-and-earn, the Latino digital skills gap, and innovation beyond Silicon Valley. It will put thought leaders attending the conference on camera for its “WorkingNation Overheard” series of videos, so everyone can learn from them. It will record a live edition of the podcast Work in Progress, which examines workforce issues.

Never stop learning – and earning.

Sponsored content and photo provided by WorkingNation.

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