By Jessica Crabbe



5 Throwback Sessions to Get You Hype for SXSW EDU 2019 [VIDEO]

With SXSW EDU roughly eight weeks away and counting, we are buzzing with excitement. To help curve the growing anticipation for March, we've pulled some of the most memorable SXSW EDU sessions from the archives into the playlist below for your viewing pleasure.

Whether you are reliving the goodness or discovering them for the first time, watching these videos is a great way to get ready the 2019 Conference & Festival.

Brené Brown: Daring Classrooms

Christopher Emdin: We Got It From Here...Thank You 4 Your Service

Temple Grandin: Helping Different Kinds of Minds Solve Problems

The Moth: Stories of Schooling & Getting Schooled

danah boyd: What Hath We Wrought?

Start Building Your 2019 Schedule

It's never too early to begin planning your conference experience. Sign in to the SXSW EDU Schedule to discover sessions and events aligned with your interest. Star events to add them to your personal schedule.

By Jessica Crabbe
