What’s Happening Today: Thursday, March 10

Wow, it’s the final day of SXSW EDU… where does the time go? But it’s not over yet. There is still a lot to look forward to.

Join us for The Future of Workforce Education Series, presented by JFF. Head over to Salon H in the Hilton starting at 9am to hear from a series of workforce education experts who will evaluate the biggest trends impacting the work-and-learn ecosystem today. This program will also be open to all SXSW attendees to connect more thought leaders and build a brighter future together.

As the day comes to a close, we are thrilled to end on an inspirational conversation at the closing keynote session with Priya Parker & Baratunde Thurston at 12:30pm. With communities, schools, and institutions at the forefront of learning and connection throughout the Covid-19 crisis, and now working to rebuild and recover, Parker and Thurston will weigh in and share their unique perspectives.

Afterward, we hope to see you at the SXSW EDU Closing Party to chat with fellow attendees about what inspired you and celebrate a fantastic year.

Today's Highlights:

Downtown Austin Walking Tour
8:00am–9:00am | ACC, Exhibit Hall 5

The Future of Workforce Education Series
9:00am–12:05pm | Hilton, Salon H

Changing Girls’ Mindsets on Financial Education
9:30am–10:30am | ACC, Room 9C

Building Innovation Hubs Outside of Silicon Valley
9:30am–10:30am | Hilton, Salon C

Is College Ready for Your 60-year Career?
10:00am–10:20am | Hilton, Salon J

Film Screening: Us Kids
10:30pm–12:30pm | ACC, SXSW Film Theater

World Building: Prototyping Future of Education
11:00am–12:00pm | ACC, Ballroom EF

How Elite Colleges Are Tackling Education Equity
11:00am–12:00pm | Hilton, Salon C

Igniting the Power of Workforce Education
11:30am–11:50am | Hilton, Salon J

Priya Parker & Baratunde Thurston
12:30pm–1:30pm | ACC, Ballroom D

SXSW EDU Closing Party
2:00pm–5:00pm | Clive Bar

Full Thursday Schedule

By Auva Saghafi
