Hear from Educator Voices at SXSW EDU 2023

Powerful Teaching Unleash the Science of Learning - SXSW EDU 2022 - Will Blake_

Whether teaching early childhood education, higher education, or all ages in between, educators across all disciplines play one of the most important roles when it comes to preparing students for their futures.

Educators are the primary experts in their field and have first-hand experience on what is working well in classrooms and what needs to be improved. Through their relationships with students, they know the unique challenges facing students today, and want to share their solutions.

As the largest group in the SXSW EDU community, educators from around the world will be taking the stage this March at SXSW EDU 2023 to tackle leading issues in education through collaborations with fellow thought leaders and education professionals to create a new tomorrow for learners everywhere.

Explore 2023 Programming Featuring Educators:

5 Year Problem: Keeping Teachers in the Classroom
A Better Way to Learn (Hint: Informed by Research)
An “Intelligent Tutor” for Every Student
Are Smartphones the Next Teen Addiction Crisis?
Artful Idea: Critical Creativity & Global Learners
Automation, Imagination, & the New Way to Work
Beyond 1:1--Digital Inclusion for All Students
Beyond Pressing Play: Podcasting in the Classroom
Bilingualism in Our Bones: Saving Home Languages
Building Community in a Time of Chaos
Circle Keepers: Youth Led Restorative Justice!
Common Ground: Black Parents’ Views on K-12 Education
Community Care: Black Feminist Eco Approach
Culture Change: Transforming Native Higher Ed
Decolonizing Schooling: Indigenous Ed Initiative
Develop an Engineering Mindset: An Equity Strategy
Disobeying Educational Gag Orders
Disrupting Radicalization & Violence Through Belonging
EdSurge Podcast: Lessons from This 'Golden Age' of Learning Science
Educator Teams: Early Results & HR Implications
Empowering College Hopefuls Through YouTube
Ending the Opioid Crisis with Schools
Filming TikToks to Teach Writing Thesis Statements
Find Flow & Let Go: Visual SEL Tools to Get Unstuck
Go Upstream: Preservice Future of Data Literacy
How to Explain Through Humor
Inventing the Future from Your Classroom
Mentor Session: Heather Haynes Smith
Mentor Session: Jill Baker
Mentor Session: John Broome
Mentor Session: Kate Owens
Mentor Session: Lisa Coates
Museum & School District Create Partnership
Myth Busting: AI’s Role in Teaching & Learning
No Such Thing Podcast: Research Storytelling for the Digital Age
Online Graduate Education at Research Universities
P-20 Ed Collaborations: How, Why, & with Whom
Policy Change Making Data Science “The New Basic”
Public Health Stories: Inspiring STEM Learning
Reading Reimagined: Why Is THIS Not Talked About?
Real Talk with Two National Teachers of the Year
Reimagining College Admissions
Repurposing Food Waste into Super Foods
Roundtable: Improving Student Mental Health
Solving Academic Inequity for Former Foster Youth
Spellebrities of the Scripps National Spelling Bee
Starter City Unwrapped: A Hands-On DBL Workshop
Student Agency & Social Advocacy in the Classroom
Student Responses to Cultural Humility Training
Teaching Politics in the Deep Red South
The African Americans in Sport Podclass: Black Student Athletes: Pathways to the Workforce
The Case for Death Education in High Schools
The Current State of Digital Game-based Learning
The Pedagogical Power in a Playlist
Trading Places: from Private Sector TO Public Ed
Trending in Education: Learning Trends March Madness 2023
What Being a Magician Taught Me About Education
What Is Educators' Role in Student Mental Health?
Without Roe: Impact on Education & Workforce
XR, AI, & the Future of Language Revitalization

Join Your Community in March

Register to attend in Austin or experience SXSW EDU Online. Celebrate education through compelling sessions, networking opportunities, and so much more at SXSW EDU from March 6-9, 2023.

Be the first to know of any information leading up to the event through Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and our newsletter.

Photo provided by Will Blake

By Auva Saghafi
