Speaker & Session Organizer Resources

This is your hub for everything that you will need to help prepare you for your SXSW EDU experience including instructions, resources, and tips. With a little advance planning, we know that your time at this year's event will be an unforgettable experience!

How Do We Find the Good at a Time Like This - SXSW EDU 2024 - Photo by Stephen Olker



This is your hub for everything that you will need to prepare for your SXSW EDU experience, including instructions, resources, and tips. We know your time at this year's event will be an unforgettable experience!



Presenter Releases
All confirmed speakers have been sent a presenter release for digital signature. Please ensure that each presenter has signed their release, as they will only be registered for their complimentary SXSW EDU credential once the release is signed. The presenter releases must be signed prior to the start of the session. If you are having trouble locating your presenter release, please email programming@sxswedu.com.

Organizers can track the status of their speakers’ presenter releases in the Session Production Guide (SPG).

Speakers can upload headshots and bios in the “My Credentials” section at SXSW ID, which serves as a central login for all SXSW EDU speakers and registrants. Updates speakers make here to their profile will reflect in the schedule and mobile app. Don't forget to upload a session image to be displayed in the schedule and mobile app, as well as when your session listing is shared on social media.

Making Updates
Manage the fine details of your session with the Session Production Guide (SPG). Here you have access to edit your session and speaker information. Session organizers will have received an email prompting them to set up their SPG account. To find this email, search “Welcome to the SXSW Session Production Guide!” in your inbox. The deadline to request changes to your session is Friday, January 10, 2025. If you need to make any changes, please refer to the PanelPicker Guide for helpful tips on crafting a strong session.

Sign in Now

Badge Pickup
Speakers can pick up badges during Registration hours at the Austin Convention Center in Exhibit Hall 1. All speakers can pick up their badge at the general registration desks. Nearby there will be a "Speaker Help" desk with staff stationed at all times to answer any questions that might arise or provide any needed information.

Sunday, March 2 |​ 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Monday, March 3 | 8:00am –8:00pm
Tuesday, March 4​ | ​8:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday, March 5 | ​8:00am – 6:00pm
Thursday, March 6 | ​8:00am – 3:00pm

If you will be picking up your badge on Sunday, March 2, please join us at the Marriott Downtown for the Early Bird Social starting at 6:00pm.

Day Passes
Each speaker has access to one day pass that they can assign to a guest to join them at SXSW EDU during the day of their session. To request a day pass for a guest, please contact your session organizer who can submit their information via the Session Production Guide (SPG). Day passes are limited to one guest per speaker for the day of their session only.

Guests can pick up their day pass with a photo ID on the day of the session at the Speaker Help desk in Exhibit Hall 1 of the Austin Convention Center. Please note that day passes only grant access to daytime conference programming and not evening events.



To sign in, speakers need to locate their “link code,” which is available in the registration confirmation email. Search your inbox for “SXSW EDU 2025 REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION.” Having issues finding your link code? Email reg@sxswedu.com for assistance.

Presentation Support
For information on your format details, room set, tech & A/V support, and audio capture, session organizers will receive an email by early February. If you do not receive this email, please reach out to programming@sxswedu.com.

Green Room
Check the SPG for your specific Green Room assignment. All speakers need to arrive at their designated Green Room at least one hour prior to their session's start time. A volunteer will escort them to their session room 15-20 minutes before the start of their session. One-on-one and Roundtable Mentors do not need to report to the green room, and instead check in directly in the session room.

There will be two Green Rooms operating in the Austin Convention Center. If your session is in the Austin Convention Center, please pay particular attention to the location of your Green Room. All Green Room locations are as follows:

  • If your session is on Level 4 at the Austin Convention Center, report to the Green Room in Room 19AB on Level 4 of the ACC.
  • If your session is in Exhibit Hall 4 at the Austin Convention Center, report to the Next Stage in Exhibit Hall 4 of the ACC.
  • If your session is on Level 3 of the Austin Convention Center, report to the Green Room in Room 4ABC on Level 3 of the ACC.
  • If your session is at the Hilton Austin Downtown, report to the Green Room in Room 416AB at the Hilton.

Speakers must arrive at their Green Room wearing their SXSW EDU Badge. Badge pickup will be held in Exhibit Hall 1 during registration hours located in the southwest corner of the Austin Convention Center at 500 E. Cesar Chavez Street.

Tips & Advice
Be sure to concentrate on the content and steer clear of coming across as advertorial or self-promotional. In other words, your session is not an opportunity to promote your personal brand or company. Handouts, giveaways, and other promotional content are NOT permitted.



Social Media Marketing Toolkit
Bolster your session attendance with a well-tuned promotion strategy. Browse the Social Media Toolkit to help you reach your ideal audience online. Promotion of your participation at SXSW EDU 2025 will help make your session a success!

Press Releases
If your company or organization is looking to celebrate your participation at SXSW EDU 2025 via a press release or media advisory, please feel free to include the SXSW EDU boilerplate and contact information, as seen below. If you have additional questions, please contact Liz Stein at press@sxswedu.com:

Now in its 15th year, the SXSW EDU® Conference & Festival reflects the world’s most critical social issues as seen through the lens of education. This year’s event will bring together the learner, the practitioner, the entrepreneur, and the visionary to share their groundbreaking stories, tackle complex issues, and build reimagined paths forward. As a community of diverse people who are united around a like-minded vision for the future, SXSW EDU serves as a place for attendees to renew their purpose in practice from both a personal and professional perspective. It is a place to reinforce the core principles of teaching and learning as well as an opportunity to express your creativity and passion for education. Join the passionate and innovative community at SXSW EDU, March 3-6, 2025.

Liz Stein
SXSW EDU Press & Publicity

Media Recommendations
If there are specific members of the media with whom you interact that you would like to invite to the event, please contact our Press & Publicity department at press@sxswedu.com, who can help facilitate. Be sure to note that recommendations and invitations do not guarantee specific media attendance at your session or the event.

The online application for media accreditation for SXSW EDU 2025 will close on Friday, February 7, 2025.

Important Links

Speaker FAQ

The Speaker FAQ is a helpful resource with a list of frequently asked questions and answers.

Social Media & Marketing Toolkit

Maximize your SXSW EDU experience by celebrating and promoting your participation using these images.


The Session Production Guide (SPG) is a tool to help session organizers manage their SXSW EDU session from beginning to end.


Link your badge to activate your SXSW ID account.


Allstate Foundation logo
Stand Together Trust logo

Stay Tuned

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